Want to join the market?
become a vendor
Interested in becoming a vendor at the Wakefield Market? First read our FAQs below to see if you’re the right fit. Please note that Wakefield Market is made up of regional growers and makers, and as such only applicants located in the Outaouais will be considered.
Applications are now open for the 2025 season. If you’re interested in hosting a community or youth table, please click here.
All applications are due by February 28, 2025. No further reviews of applicants will be undertaken following this deadline.
Wakefield Market is hoping to increase the diversity of products offered at the market. Desired products include (but are not limited to): meat (especially pork, goat, organic chicken), fruit, cheese, prepared/pickled food, dried beans/grain, herbal teas. We encourage and invite new applicant producers of these items.
If you have any questions, please go to our contact page and drop us a line!

Vendor’s FAQ - Wakefield Market
Where is the market located?
At the Centre Wakefield La Peche, 38 Chemin de la Vallée de Wakefield, Wakefield, Quebec.
When was the market established?
In 1997.
When does the market happen?
The market operates on Saturday mornings 9am to 1pm, from mid-May to mid-October.
How many vendors are usually present?
The market averages about 30 venders per week.
What is cost to attend?
Full season vendors are $425, half season vendors are $250, and casual vendors pay $65 for two market days, then $30 for each additional day.
What are the market facilities for vendors?
All vendors receive a 10 ft x 10 ft stall on the community centre lawn. Vendors must provide their own tent, table and any other materials they need for selling.
Is there help for me to set-up?
All vendors are responsible for their own set-up and take down. Vendors are to be set-up and ready to sell by 8:45 am and must remain on site until 1pm. In addition, vendors may be asked to help with the weekly set-up or take down of the market equipment, such as music or event tents, signs, picnic tables, etc.
Are water or electricity available?
Electricity is available to a limited number of vendors who require it for food safety purposes, for an additional cost of $115 for full-time vendors ($55 for part-time and $10 for casual). Water is available in the community centre. All vendors selling food to be eaten at the market require a supply of hot and cold water in their vendor stall.
What sorts of products are sold at the market?
Market vendors sell a wide variety of farm products, processed foods, hot prepared meals, and artisanal crafts, all produced locally in the Outaouais region.
Do I have to produce what I sell?
Yes, vendors may only sell products that they have grown, produced, or made themselves.
Do I need any special permits?
All vendors who sell any kind of processed food or drink, except coffee, must have a food permit from MAPAQ (Ministere de l’Agriculture, des Pecheries,et de l’Alimentation du Quebec) and have taken the food safety course. Their products have to be produced in a facility or kitchen that has been approved by a MAPAQ inspector.
How are vendors selected?
Returning vendors selling the same products as the year before are automatically accepted, however new products must be approved. When selecting new vendors, the market board focuses on the following questions:
- Are new products filling gaps in the current product offerings at the market?
- Is the product different from what is currently offered (e.g. organic vs. conventional)?
- If the product offered is the same as what is already sold at Wakefield Market, is there enough customer demand to accept it?
- Can the applicant demonstrate they can supply their product on a sustained basis over the number of weeks they ask to sell at the Wakefield Market?
- What is the past relationship between the applicant and the Wakefield Market (if applicable).
- What is the overall balance between primary food producers, prepared foods, and artisans.
Final decisions are made by applications subcommittee of the board, in consultation with the board and, when applicable, artisan and/or food juries.
What about meats, maple syrup or honey?
Meat sold by vendors has to be processed in a government approved facility (abattoir) either inspected by MAPAQ or Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA. All maple syrup or honey vendors have to be certified by MAPAQ.
Can I sell or give away pets, such as kittens or puppies?
No, it is not permitted to sell or give away live animals on the market or community centre site.
Is parking available and free?
There is a designated vendor parking area. There is no charge.
Does the market operate on rainy days?
Yes, the market operates rain or shine. We are fortunate to have very loyal customers who come to shop no matter what type of weather. Vendors are expected to plan accordingly and attend no matter the weather.
Who runs the market?
The market is run by a group of volunteers made up of vendors and local residents who are elected at the market’s annual general meeting, which is held at the end of the market season.
How do I become a vendor?
On the market website you will find a copy of the market rules and a vendor application form. The market committee will review your application and inform you of their decision.
Are there washrooms on site?
Yes, washrooms are available in the Centre Wakefield La Pêche.